Gloom Chaser

Gloom Chaser, streamer pattern by Carrie G. Stevens, dressed by Peter Simonson

Gloom Chaser, pattern by Carrie G. Stevens, dressed by Peter Simonson

Reference:  Schmidlin/Palmer collection, since dispersed to various collectors


Pattern Recipe

Tag:  Silver Flat

Body:  Red

Rib:  Silver Flat

Underbelly:  Peacock Herl, then White bucktail

Throat:  Grizzly

Wing:  Olive flanked by Red (Slightly shorter)
(The red hackle is a warm shade of red; the pattern listed in Hilyard’s Herb Welch book indicates orange, which does not match the specimen in the Schmidlin/Palmer collection)

Cheek:  Jungle Cock

Head:  Black (red band)


Embden Fancy Variation


Gray Wizard